Running and debugging scripts

Preparation for execution

  • Create a subfolder for each extension directly below the extension location folder (hereinafter referred to as the storage folder).

    For more information on the folder where the extension is placed, see Development Guide> Distributing the Extension> Place the Extension.

  • Copy and place the following set of files in the storage folder.

    manifest.json... Manifest
    main.cs ・・・ The script file specified as the entry point
    locale.en.json ・・・・ Locale file for English (in case of multilingual support)
    locale.ja.json ・・・ Locale file for Japanese (in case of multilingual support)
        image.png --- Image file of the UI button specified in the manifest extension point


  • When you launch Next Design, it will read the manifests of all the extensions located in the given folder and add the ribbon tabs and buttons you defined to the extension points according to the extension life cycle.

  • When the handler implemented in the extension is called for the first time, the script is loaded, compiled, and then executed.

  • If there are any errors when compiling the script, an error message will be displayed in the System category of the [Output] tab of the error list window.

Script execution debug


  • Since the debugger cannot be used with the script implementation method, you cannot set breakpoints.
  • If you use Visual Studio to develop using .NET DLL, you can use the debugger included in Visual Studio.


  • If you change the extension or change the script while Next Design is running, those changes will not be reflected.
    • All extensions are loaded when Next Design is started, and are not reloaded during Next Design.
    • The extension script is also loaded at the timing of the first process call, and is not reloaded during Next Design execution.


  • If the manifest definition is incorrect, the extension will not work.

    • If the manifest definition is incorrect, the manifest will be ignored and the ribbon element defined as an extension point will not be displayed either.
    • In rare cases, Next Design may not start due to a manifest error. In such a case, temporarily change the manifest file name to something other than manifest.json, then restart Next Design to check.
  • Next Design does not launch due to missing using statements in the C# script.

    • Classes used in C# scripts must have a using statement at the beginning of the script so that they can be referenced. An application lifecycle extension that misses its using statement will prevent Next Design from launching. In that case, change the lifecycle in the manifest.json to switch to the project lifecycle, then restart Next Design to get the system output message that appears when you open any project. please confirm.